Serve Beyond Columbus
First Presbyterian Church supports the following organizations and projects:
Flint River Presbytery (external link)
The Outreach Foundation (external link)
Frontier Fellowship (external link)
Mission: Hope (external link)
Remember Niger Coalition (external link)
Thornwell Home (external link)
Presbyterian Homes of Georgia (external link)
Retired PC(USA) Workers and Families (external link)
First Presbyterian Church supports work in the following locations:
Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship
Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship seeks to mobilize congregations to participate with God in bringing the Good News of the Kingdom into cultures where the church has yet to take root. Their vision is “for every people: an indigenous church; and for every church: a mission vision.” A validated mission partner of the PC(USA), Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship seeks to help indigenous Christian leaders spread the Gospel in Ethiopia, Central Asia, Siberia, the Middle East, India, China, Kenya, and Sudan. We support the work of PCUSA missionary Donald Marsden through this ministry (PFF).
Al and Ellen Smith
The Smiths accepted their assignment to serve as PC(USA) mission co-workers based in Moscow in 2001, to serve as coordinators of the PC(USA) congregational twinning program in Russia and Belarus. Ellen also works with the Russian and Belarusian Round Tables, church structures dedicated to diaconal ministries, with special focus on the battle against alcohol and drug addiction and the spread of HIV/AIDS. Al is deeply involved in outreach to the Roma (gypsy) people of Russia and Eastern Europe, who experience widespread discrimination.
The church twinning program Ellen facilitates pairs US Presbyterian congregations with Russian congregations. As there is not a Presbyterian tradition in Russia, partner churches there may be Baptist, Russian Orthodox, or Lutheran.
Ellen has visited FPC numerous times and participated in our global mission conferences in 2004 and 2011. Al is a former attorney and Ellen a former English teacher. They first became interested in Russian missions when Ellen traveled on a short term mission trip to Russia to visit the church partner of their congregation, MacPherson PC in Fayetteville, NC.
Forman Christian College in Lahore
Forman Christian College in Pakistan provides excellent educations to both Christians and Muslim men and women. This is particularly significant for the Christians, who are an oppressed minority in Pakistan with few educational opportunities. Forman, founded in 1864 by Presbyterian missionaries, was once known as the Harvard of the sub-continent, and educated many of the political and business leaders of Pakistan. Nationalized in the early 70s, the educational standards and facilities declined precipitously, but after 31 years of government control, it is once again under Presbyterian control and is making a stunning comeback. It serves as a beacon of love, and tolerance as well as high educational standards. At our 2011 and 2014 Global Mission Conference, Forman College Dean of Students Cheryl Burke spoke movingly about how this school is shaping and influencing the future leaders of Pakistan in positive ways. Our Global Missions Offering goes to support five students with room, board, and tuition.
The Bible Training Center for Pastors
The Bible Training Center for Pastors works to deliver theological education and leadership training to lay pastors and lay leaders in their own communities. They serve in 85 countries in communities with limited access to professional education. Our funds underwrite the cost of Swahili curriculum for lay leaders (men and women) in Kenya.
God’s Little Ones, Inc.
Rev. Benard Ondiek founded two Friends of Christ schools in western Kenya, where they feed and educate hundreds of orphans. Rev. Ondiek also teaches and trains lay leaders and pastors at the Ahero Bible Training Center. Our funds have helped to train leaders at Ahero, and purchase food, a small bus, and land for a dormitory for Friends of Christ schools.