A Birthday in Bethlehem

Christmas Eve Family Celebration

Let the children come.png

Sign up to be a part of our family-friendly Christmas Eve service, “Finding Our Place at the Manger.” Regardless of whether you will attend in person, you can still take part in the fun. People of ALL AGES are invited to sign up to take a picture (or more than one!) and help tell the story of the birth of Jesus. You can choose whether your picture is set in the present day or Bible times, whether you take the picture inside or outside, and what types of items you use for props. If animals are suggested in your photo, you may have a person dressed as that animal. If you have access to live animals and can safely photograph them, then do! If you sign up for a picture with baby Jesus in it, you can use a live baby, or you may use a doll. Be creative!

Each photo has a letter and a number assigned to it. The letter tells what “scene” it belongs to. The number designates the order of the photograph. After the picture description is the number of people needed to take that picture. If it makes sense for you to do all of the pictures with the same letter, feel free, but this is not a requirement of participating. We’d love to have as many people participate as we can. Singles, marrieds, retirees, families with children and/or teenagers, college students home on break…everyone!

Since we will have several pictures of each character, what will tie our story together will be a few simple costume colors to help identify each character. Read the complete list of instructions about costumes, props, and how to take the photos, click here.

All pictures are due by December 6th by texting a full size image to Alayna Mock at 717-701-0905, indicating what number your photo is.

The photos will be made into a video that will serve as the sermon portion of the 4:30 Christmas Eve service that will be held in the gym. It will also be available to watch online any time after that.