Fall Faith Formation 2021

Children’s Programming


Follow Me! Biblical Practices for Faithful Living (PreK4-5th Grade)

Follow Me! Biblical Practices for Faithful Living (PreK4-5th Grade) Children's Sunday School at 10 a.m. Class begins September 12.

Godly Play (PreK4-2nd Grade)

Godly Play (PreK4-2nd Grade) During the 11:00 a.m. worship service, young children will begin worship with their families and then leave for a time of bible stories and worship skills.

Nights at the Round Tables

*See Wednesday Night Programming for more Children's faith formation opportunities.

Youth Programming


High School Bible Study

High School Bible Study - Freshman through seniors are invited to join us for a weekly Bible study at 7 p.m. every Monday. Join us as we spend time digging deeper into God’s word.

Youth Group

Youth group meets typically at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoons for learning, playing and food. Special gatherings may take place outside of this time, so make sure to check youth calendar here and the bulletin for updates!

Tuesday Coffee Sessions

Meet up for a cup of coffee or sweet treat every Tuesday at 4 p.m. at Iron Bank! This is a chance to just catch up and chat, unwind after a long day at school and spend some time hanging out together.

Sunday School

Join us at 10 a.m. every Sunday for Sunday School before worship. Don’t worry, there’s always food and good conversation, this class is open to middle and high school students.

Adult Programming


Follow Me! Biblical Practices for Faithful Living

Follow Me! Biblical Practices for Faithful Living - Adult Sunday School at 10 a.m. Join us for fellowship and story sharing as we learn together new ways to practice our faith, led by Edith Taber in the museum room. Class begins September 12.*

*A nursery for young children will be provided for 10 a.m. classes and the 11:00 worship service.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Thursday mornings in the Fellowship Hall at 7:30a.m. (8:00 if joining by Zoom) currently studying Them: Why We Hate Each Other and How to Heal.


What My Grandmothers Taught Me. There are currently 2 Women’s Circles that will begin gathering in October. Contact: Ann Reid

WHY?: Making Sense of God’s Will

WHY?: Making Sense of God’s Will (an Adam Hamilton course) - Adult Sunday School on Sundays at 10 a.m. led by Mark Jarrell in the Parlor. Class begins September 19th.*

*A nursery for young children will be provided for 10 a.m. classes and the 11:00 worship service.

WOW Bible Study

Women of the Word Bible Study. Come meet new women, connect with old friends, and study God's Word! Tuesdays at 6p.m. in the church Parlor, beginning Tuesday, September 21. We will be studying N.T. Wrights "Philippians" available on Amazon here.


6p.m. at Jarfly on Thursdays beginning on September 16. We invite the men of FPC and their friends to join Aaron Lickliter, Youth Director & Danny for a time of fellowship with beverage of your choice

Theology and Literature

Theology and Literature is a group open to anyone who enjoys reading. Formed twenty-five years ago by Dr. Randy Harris, Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian, members choose books to read and discuss. New members are welcome! Join us on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 3 p.m. at the home of Tootie Bickerstaff. Begins September 28.

Soul Care Saturdays

The church has a rich history of connecting with God in lots of different ways. One Saturday a month we’ll gather, press pause, and exhale as we experiment with new ways encounter God. If you’re needing to breathe some fresh air into your spiritual life, join us!

September 11 -9/11 Memorial Service & Prayer Vigil

October 2 - Praying in Color—For many of us, using only words to pray reduces God by the limits of our finite words. Some days, words simply fail us. Come learn a new way to pray when words aren’t enough.

November 6 - Church Family Hike at Oxbow Meadows

Nights at the Round Tables

Our Wednesday night programs are starting again on September 15. We're calling this time of Christian Education and Fellowship "Nights at the Round Tables." Dinner will be provided at the cost of $7/adult and $5/child with a $20 family max.

5:15 p.m. Preschool Music Explorers
5:15 p.m. Children's Choir
5:15 p.m. The Hopeful Family - Parent Class
6:00 p.m. Dinner
6:30 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Education/Fellowship


Preschool Music Explorers

Preschool Music Explorers is a music class for ages 3 to 5 at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesdays beginning September 15, featuring exploration of music reading, music technology, instruments, composers, world music, dance, sacred and secular children’s songs, and lots and lots of fun. Led by Mr. Andrew, a teacher with over a decade of preschool music experience, we will discover all aspects of music through a child guided, centers based approach.

Children's Choir

Children's Choir - Led by Tom George, our first rehearsal will be Wednesday, September 15, 5:15p.m..- 6 p.m. in the Adult Choir Room (2nd floor – sanctuary building). Children's Choir is for school age children up through grade 5. Our main focus will be singing and preparing music to allow us to lead in worship.

The Hopeful Family

The Hopeful Family - Led by Vickie Dieth at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesdays beginning on September 15 for parents of elementary-aged children in the Parlor. While the children are in choir, make time to connect with other parents. This semester’s class will be based on the book, The Hopeful Family: Raising Resilient Children in Uncertain Times by Amelia Richardson Dress. Nursery available, reservations are required.