2021 Lenten Programs

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A Time Set Apart…

Please join us next Thursday, March 25, at 12:15 for the final Thursday gathering for

this Lenten season. Our focus will be “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”. Featuring

quiet organ music, silence, and brief readings, we will seek to hear that “still, small


We will follow the same covid practices that we are using for our Sunday morning worship services.  Make this a part of your Lenten discipline and join us for “A Time Set Apart…”              


Prayer Stations

Throughout the 6 weeks of Lent, we’ll have several prayer stations available for you to experience. Using scripture, poetry, visual arts, and music, we’ll be reminded of God’s love that we experience “again and again,” and have an opportunity to listen for that still, small voice that seeks to bring us back when we wander away, again and again. Stop by the museum room during office hours.

Outdoor Prayer Opportunity

Outdoors during office hours, add your prayer to our Lenten prayer wall. Look for the portable “&” prayer station outside (you’ll know it when you see it.)

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The Walk: Five Essential Practices of the Christian Life

A new, in-person Sunday School class beginning on Sunday, February 28 at 9:45 a.m. in the Chapel. Lead by Mark Jarrell.

How do we walk with Christ—daily follow him, grow in him, and faithfully serve him? Join Mark Jarrell as he lead’s Adam Hamilton’s video-based study, The Walk: Five Essential Practices of the Christian Life. Together, we’ll examine five essential spiritual practices rooted in Jesus’ own walk with God. In each session, Hamilton’s engaging teaching style will help you explore one of these practices—each of which is intended to be a part of our daily walk with Christ—its New Testament foundation, and its potential effect on our personal lives and our lives together as the church. This in-person class will meet Sunday mornings at 9:45 in the chapel.

Lattes for LentJoin Youth Director, Aaron Lickliter at Iron Bank Coffee Co. at 4 p.m. every Tuesday of Lent for coffee and fellowship each week of this Lenten season.

Lattes for Lent

Join Youth Director, Aaron Lickliter at Iron Bank Coffee Co. at 4 p.m. every Tuesday of Lent for coffee and fellowship each week of this Lenten season.

Interactive Lent Gardens

Enjoy your journey through the Lent Garden each week. Start by clicking on the bible on the park bench. With one click you will open up a collection of daily bible readings, children’s bible story readings, prayers, and questions to think about throughout each week. Once you’ve got these devotions at hand, go ahead and click around the rest of the garden to discover so much more.

 Each of the itty bitty library boxes behind the park bench (there may be one or two to click on each week) unlock one or two video recordings of a wonderful bible story read by a church leader for everyone to enjoy. These stories come from the bible story books listed in the weekly devotions.

The hanging flower basket will take you on a weekly adventure of garden musings and gardening ideas with Kristine O’Brien, an avid gardener and thoughtful minister.

The guitar leaning against the tree sings out a brand new or much loved hymn or song that will connect you to our weekly bible stories and themes. You’ll want to sing along with all of these talented musicians.

Are you feeling like going for a walk? Click on the wooden door and walk into a world of labyrinth visits, reflections and finger labyrinth opportunities.

Is it time to be creative? The garden gnome reveals a simple craft idea that makes use of materials that you likely already have at home.

And when it’s time for something to eat, click on the picnic basket for a new recipe or two to try out at home.

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Maundy Thursday - Easter Sunday


Palm Sunday, March 28 - Wednesday, March 31


Sunday, March 7, 2021


Sunday, February 28, 2021


Sunday, February 21, 2021


Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021